Recent Animations and Films

Meatstew's Hysterical Pregnancy (2021)


An odd female mammal called Meatstew has a phantom pregnancy. Fishstew, her male human companion, is extremely mean to her. The pregnancy, maybe through a nightmare or through the TV, becomes contagious and defies gender or inter-species boundaries... Who will give birth?

Fake Babies (2021)


A Tv show about pregnant couples that might be faking it. In this episode we discover if Lisa is pregnant or not!

Extract from Meatstew's Hysterical Pregnancy

The Hitches (2020)


A small group of young hitch-hikers has been stuck at the same gas station for years.

They live in the bushes nearby the gas-station where they’ve set camp.

When food starts to lack, tension amongst them rises.

While two of them retain hope for the future and the drivers, the other one starts to resent her mates. 

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