

Lì la macchina volò (2024)

Where the Car Flew 

Duration: 07;40


On a summer's afternoon, a kid is involved in a car accident and lands at a lunch party, he tries to remember what happened.

Hert (2024)


Duration: 04;60


A story of unrequited love and insomnia.

Meatstew's Hysterical Pregnancy (2021)


An odd female mammal called Meatstew has a phantom pregnancy. Fishstew, her male human companion, is extremely mean to her. The pregnancy, maybe through a nightmare or through the TV, becomes contagious and defies gender or inter-species boundaries... Who will give birth?

The Hitches (2020)


A small group of young hitch-hikers has been stuck at the same gas station for years.

They live in the bushes nearby the gas-station where they’ve set camp.


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